Starting the day with Technology

Thank God for technology! Most mornings I check my phone: WhatsApp, Messenger, Texts, Emails, Twitters and Facebook messages...  Messages that keep me inspired from around the world. They come from donors, "We are very happy to continue to support your important work in Sierra Leone and other locations of need in the world. We are deeply grateful to you for boldly moving ahead with your vision to bring relief from the suffering in the world." and recipients "Engaging a Regent Chief in on of the deprived Chiefdoms in Sierra Leone who is ready to revenge on a Situation and I promptly intervene with my FGA experience and encouraged him and his team to forgive so that they can take back their power. I always feel fulfilled in using my FGA tools in whatever situation I find myself." or "Your smiles are something to write home about. We need to live as one in the globe."  They come from: Aceh Indonesia, Freetown Sierra Leone, USA, Paro Bhutan, Katmandu Nepal...They inspire me to continue to do what I do which is both raising funds and then funding activities. 

We are all in this together.   Each kind word, each smile, each positive memory to pull from adds to uplift each other. That upliftment  is the something that makes a difference.  I am blessed 


USA Early Childhood Degree in Practice